My Darling Sweetheart

by tleighb

You will never know how very much I love you. I feel so lucky to have you. Our 17 years together have been quite the adventure, never a dull moment. You have always been there for me, but never as much as now. There is nothing that I have had to do for myself, no moment that I had to spend alone, nothing that I wanted that you haven't gotten. How did I get so lucky? I can't be the easiest person to tolerate sometimes and yet you never let me believe for one second that I have been a bit of trouble. You are so sweet and patient. You have told me everyday how beautiful I am, even when I know you are fibbing to me. You have stayed up with me when I can't sleep and layed down to take naps with me in the day so that I would not be alone. I love you so much, you will never know how special you really are to me because man has not yet invented a word to express it. You are my angel. I love you!