To my best friend
by swanysgrl
[Font=Comic Sans MS]
I want to thank you for how supportive you have been. Being willing to put your busy schedule aside so that I can have the surgery I really need to have. I know we have had some rough roads behind us, and look forward to the less bumpy travelled road coming forward with us.
I am scared and need you to just understand that, I know you have told me I don't have anything to be worried about, but still I am scared. I want you to be there for me, when I don't want to get up and walk around, keep pushing me to get better instead of letting me sit around an use the surgery as an excuse (you know me).
Please in there with me and understand how much I
you and
. One last thing, when I am wanting to run to food for comfort, please tell me, :hidekey:
Love always,
Your kiddo[/Font]