To My Everything

by JaniGreen

Dear Hubby,
I don't even know where or how to start. We have gone through so much in the 17 years we have been married. The birth of 3 wonderful children the loss of 2 innocent babies. You stood by my side not physicaly but in every other way when I was gone for a year in the Army. You have been my biggest supporter through ALL my surgeries. I know these past 4 months have been the hardest in our lives. First dealing with my back surgery which we didn't know if I would make it through or even if I would be able to walk. Then finding out I needed a hysterectomy because of cancer. Well babe I have made it through it all, but only because of you. You are my rock, my soul, my heart your my everything! This week has been rough, I know. My hormones have taken on a personality of their own. I feel less of a woman because I no longer have all my parts. I feel ugly because of all the scars my body now calls it own. In my eyes you deserve so much better and so much more then what I am. We've had our talks and this is not new to you. You've told me no matter what I am beautiful and will always be, you'll love me, stand by me no matter what. I just ask you to give me time and keep telling me these things because I'm thick headed and am still having a hard time making myself believe. Hold me and love me! I know I ask a lot but it is what I need. With time we both know things will get better all I'm asking is don't give up, because with out you I am nothing! I love you more then words could ever say. Thank you for choosing me before all others and know I thank God every day for the gift he has given me in you!

Your loving wife
Forever and always,