To my precious love and soulmate

by Sparrows Song

Hello my Love,

Here we are, the night before my surgery. We've been through so much together and it's hard to believe we're actually facing this, too. How grateful I am to be married to you, to share life and a family with you. You are more than my heart could ever have dared to dream. Thank you for your amazing support, love, pampering and most of all for making me feel so cherished.

I can honestly say after 15 years together that I love you more now than the first day of butterflies together. You are more handsome than ever on the outside and more beautiful than ever on the inside, and the butterflies are there in abundance! Not many women are so blessed to say that.

It was such a wonderful surprise to see a PM here, then a moment of confusion when I saw it was from myself, then an amazing heart-hug to realize it was from YOU! That is just the kind of thoughtful and loving gesture that represents your care of me over all these years. You are such a beautiful soul and I truly treasure you.

I have a peace about this surgery and am excited about the next chapter of our lives together, but honey, I also know that sometimes our Heavenly Father has plans beyond our comprehension. There are letters for you and the family in my computer, in the documents folder. My greatest wish and desire for you and the kids is that you are happy and loved. Of course I never want anyone to replace me but I would love for someone wonderful to cherish and treasure you and the kids if I am not there. That is not replacing me, that is living the gift of life while you have it and what I want for you all. Please remember that. There are birthday gifts for you in the basement in the bottom drawer of your grandparent's dresser, too, but don't you dare peek! lol

You are my love and my life. You are the man I longed for and dreamed of. You are my best friend, my soulmate and my lover. I adore every thing about you and pray we will be blessed with many many more years together! I'm so looking forward to dates at Starbucks and kicking your booty at Scrabble and backgammon!

Thank you for loving me so tenderly, for honoring and supporting me so beautifully, for giving me a life filled with joy and gentleness and everything a woman could ever desire or dream of, and all the most important "things" that really matter in this world.

Here's to shooting star kisses on the beach and a family run through Wordsworth's garden under a giant rainbow umbrella in Wales! All my love forever and always, PPH xoxo