Site Support
I just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know what a great site i think you have going, and what a superb resource it is for both women undergoing the surgery as well as their husbands/partners.
My wife and I have both read the various things from the site with great interest and since my wife's story is (ongoing) becoming a fair bit more complicated than the average surgery - (in that she had the abdominal hysterectomy 3 weeks ago, and today we found out that because she is still bleeding she will have to go back in approx 4 weeks time to have her cervix removed, abdominally again of course just to make it all the easier to deal with!!)
We have taken great comfort from the other stories and posts that are available to peruse on the site.
I can't speak for the other men who use the site, but speaking for me i have to say i admire immensely the way that the fairer sex deals with this procedure.
But most of all i want to say how much i admire , cherish and love my own wife Cheryl for the fortitude and strength she has shown throughout this extremely trying time for her.(needless to say, i don't think many of us men would deal with it half as well). Anyway, thanks again for a great site to all the ladies who contribute and run it.
PS. if you want to hear more about my wife's story her name on hystersisters is Lifebeginsat40
From the HysterSisters:
Dear Craig,
I'm sure your wife appreciates your support and love especially during this time in her life. I hope she continues to enjoy support with the HysterSisters. I hope her recovery for yet another surgery goes well. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words. We appreciate it!
- The HysterSisters